Redecorating our bedroom.


Work started on Feb.17.

Andrew took our old bed to the dump and the next day, we cleared out most of the room – only things left were the 4 dressers along the left side.


Look at all the cr*p we pulled out of the bedroom!

(There’s more in the hallway!)

We had an old futon mattress which Andrew set up in the living room. 

Itsy has to check it out.


Andrew moved the dressers into the middle of the room and covered them up.


He brushed the ceiling as clean as he could and washed the walls.  He ended up using 2 cans of ceiling paint over a couple of days, and used up the remaining ceiling paint on most of the walls – because the Cloverdale Paint rep and I talked him out of buying primer.

Can you see the difference in the colour after one coat of paint?!



It was Thursday, Feb.23, before we got the first coat of wall colour on.  Andrew had used some of the ceiling paint as a border at the top of the walls – to avoid the same bleeding headache he experienced when we painted the middle room.  He taped a 3/4” border and I slapped on the paint (or so you would think from the way he was grumping…sheesh)

Andrew decided we would put a third coat of paint, which went on on Sunday, Feb.26. 


See the transition of colour.


On Friday, Feb.24, Andrew bought our new queen size bed and mattress – the bed came in 3 boxes and a couple other “packages.”



We placed the mattress under our makeshift bed – made a difference!


The bed came in 3 boxes, a stack of slats, a metal beam-thingy that goes down the centre of the frame and a little bag of something to stabilize the beam.


On Monday, Feb.27, we went back to Ikea and picked up our new bedside tables and to squabble over bedside lamps.  I caved in and let Andrew get the lamps that had caught his fancy.


Supervisor on-site!  Look busy!!

A finished bedside table and  one of Andrew’s lamp.


Andrew starts putting the bed together, under proper supervision of course.


Molasses helps with the instructions.


That’s the beam-thingy that goes down the centre.


The slats are down.




Quality Assurance inspector


Itsy has to check out the underside – she can barely move!  Needless to say, she has not ventured under the bed again.




But this one can’t get under the bed at all!


It’s been a while since Itsy played like this.  That’s all four feet in the air!



All ready for bed!


But you know what?  Satin sheets are very slippery!

So the bedroom is repainted and we’ve got our new beds and new bedside tables…and new bedside table lamps….

We went back to Ikea on March 14th and got the lamps that I had originally wanted to get.  Andrew now agrees these are better that those lamppost styles – although, since he loves that one so much, I’m trying to convince him not to return them as I think they will work in the living room (when we get around to restyling the living room).






While trying to take a good shot of the lamps, Itsy jumped onto the bed, passing by Molasses, who had been hanging out on the bed (waiting for me to play with her), I can’t remember if there was “tiff” en route to Andrew’s pillow. – a very popular destination for all our cats (including and especially Eenie) to park their tushes.


So, while you may think that’s so cute of Molasses to be lolling on her back, she is actually being defensive – freeing up all four sets of claws to defend herself.


The bedroom is not quite done yet.  There is an area in front of the closet that I want to make into a dressing area.  Plus dress up the walls with art…  Say, Andrew, how much is left in the budget from the bedroom?...


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Last updated March 23, 2006